Friday, February 28
+ Saturday, March 1, 2025

More Info...

Tickets are Now Available!

Join men from all over the Augusta area for the second annual Men of Augusta Men's Conference. This event will be full of inspiration and encouragement! The Men of Augusta Men's Conference is presented by Abilene Baptist Church.

Inspiring + Encouraging Messages

Guest Speakers...

At Men of Augusta 2025, we will hear from these dynamic men as they share their stories and bring practical lessons for our journeys as husbands, fathers, students, and leaders.

Greg McMichael
Former Atlanta Braves Pitcher & World Series Champion

Since we've changed the way we operate to online only, and to ensure your safety, not all our staff is working. Donate to keep them afloat.

Charlie Woerner
Tight End
The Atlanta Falcons

Since we've changed the way we operate to online only, and to ensure your safety, not all our staff is working. Donate to keep them afloat.

Christen Miller
Defensive Lineman
University of Georgia

Since we've changed the way we operate to online only, and to ensure your safety, not all our staff is working. Donate to keep them afloat.

Charles Billingsley
Teaching Pastor
Thomas Road Baptist Church

Since we've changed the way we operate to online only, and to ensure your safety, not all our staff is working. Donate to keep them afloat.

Bob Reccord
Founding Chairman
Total Life Impact Ministries

Have all the outdoor gear you need for now? Buy a gift card and use it later or share it with friends and family.

Thomas Settles
TEAM Chaplain

Have all the outdoor gear you need for now? Buy a gift card and use it later or share it with friends and family.

Jason Nichol
Chief Customer Officer
Tyson Foods

Since we've changed the way we operate to online only, and to ensure your safety, not all our staff is working. Donate to keep them afloat.

Brad Whitt
Pastor - Abilene Baptist Church

Have all the outdoor gear you need for now? Buy a gift card and use it later or share it with friends and family.

Have all the outdoor gear you need for now? Buy a gift card and use it later or share it with friends and family.

Our Sponsors

If you are interested in a business sponsorship, please e-mail

+ LOcation

Friday, February 28, 2025

5:30 PM • VIP Ticket Holder BBQ Dinner

6:30 PM – 9:00 PM • Conference Session

(Doors open at 6:00 PM)

Saturday, March 1, 2025

8:30 AM – Noon • Conference Session

(Doors open at 8:00 AM)

Hosted at

Abilene Baptist Church
Martinez Campus

3917 Washington Road
Martinez, GA 30907

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Contact US

For more information,
call 706-869-1774
or send us an Email.